Friday, December 30, 2011

Hitting the Road

I have moved my missives to a new location.

Check us out at our new digs:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Remembering the Shuttle

Often I am asked what was the coolest, bestest, most awesomest subject I ever photographed. After pausing to consider, I always come up with the same answer, “My first space shuttle launch.” Over thirty years, I have witnessed a lot of amazing and sometimes disturbing things but I have never been juiced like watching the Shuttle Discovery lift off from Pad 39-B at the Kennedy Space Center for mission STS-26. The Return to Space.

From about three miles away at the KSC media center, the ground shook like a California quake and the roar was, well, a ROAR as the orbiter lifted off for it's mission. Perhaps it was the anticipation. Perhaps it was the afternoon edition deadline pressure. Perhaps it was a lifetime of being interested in space. Whatever it was, it was pretty darned cool.